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The following stories are real. We have changed the names and personal details in order to protect our service users identities. 

We hope in giving you a glimpse into their journeys with us helps you to make an informed decision regarding what we can do for you.

We hope to be the ones to take you on that journey.. 

Mary was admitted into hospital in 2019 having had a stroke and then heart failure.  She was very poorly and nearly died.  Shortly after this, she was transferred to a care home and a public guardian was appointed.  Mary was very low as she did not get on with any of the other residents in the home as most of them were on a dementia journey.  Mary was eventually able to discharge herself from the care home in January 2020. Despite her mobility and general health were not the best, she returned to her family home. We assisted Mary with all her needs and ensured she had fresh foods prepaired daily. We also assisted her in making her house feel more like her home again. Mary began to exercise every day and started to take an active interest in her surroundings.  She was also given companionship support to allow her to get out and about in the fresh air explore new places. Mary is a keen gardener but due to her mobility issues her garden needed some TLC.  Mary and her carers worked on this little by little until it was back to its former glory in no time.  Mary’s wellbeing and confidence has vastly improved.  She continues to enjoy being independent and living at home where she now feels safe and secure.

Service User - Mary

When Agnes had a nasty fall, she ended up in hospital. Her mobility and independence was severely affected as a result. As this was during the COVID lockdown, Agnes’s daughter moved in and stayed with her, preparing all her food and her medication.  When we started supporting Agnes with her personal care needs this gave more and more respite to her daughter who eventually moved back to her own home. Agnes is now able to take her own medication and make her own breakfast.  Carer’s were able to prompt Agnes to go for short walks around the garden twice a day to feed the birds.  Agnes’s confidence has improved so much that she is now going out with her friends and is very independent and sociable.

Service User - Agnes

Margaret started to receive social support from us in February 2023. Margaret is a lovely, bubbly, and positive person. Margaret has mild cerebral palsy and has been registered blind from a very young age. Before COVID Margaret lived a relatively independent life and was heavily involved in her many local musical groups. Margaret had a bad fall which resulted in her losing the ability to go out on her own. She lost her confidence and independence. Margaret became very isolated in her own home and relied on her family.

Margaret has social support each week and has focused on rebuilding her trust and confidence. She does not waste a minute of this time and makes plans to do everything she likes to do.

Margaret with support now does her food shopping and can now buy presents for her family herself, this is a great source of pleasure to Margaret as she has a very close-knit family. Margaret enjoys trips to local parks and garden centres and enjoys a wee lunch out sometimes. Margaret can’t wait for the better weather so her and her carer can take day trips to the coast. I speak to Margaret regularly and she tells me how much her and carer have in common, “it’s just like going out for the day with a good friend”. Margaret looks like a new woman, she looks forward to her visits with her carer each week and is often waiting at the door with her coat and bag, ready to get out straight away and seize the day.

Service User - Margaret

Need some help?
Speak to one of our team today on 0141 952 9883 

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